
Swimming New Zealand Code of Conduct

Club swimmers are affiliated members of Swimming NZ.  Coaches are required to be affiliated to Swimming NZ to have access to pool decks at national meets.

Therefore, the Swimming NZ Code of Conduct applies to all its members and persons participating/connected to Swimming NZ activities.  Please find a below a link to the Swimming NZ website where you can access this code of conduct.

Swim Dunedin follows this Code of Conduct and applies it to all their members, competitive swimmers as well as Triathlon/Surf swimmers, where applicable.

A copy of this is also available at poolside, please ask your coach.

Swim Dunedin Membership Policy

This policy explains the requirements of a membership with DSCB

DSCB Membership Policy Agreement

Swim Dunedin Swimmers Code of Conduct

This is the Code of Conduct that is in your registration pack that you sign when signing up with the Dunedin Swim Coaching Board.  Please note there is a change with regards to social networking sites.


Swim Dunedin Swimmers Code of Behaviour

Please read the Swimmers Code of Behaviour which is referred to in the Policy Agreement you are asked to sign confirming your understanding and agreement of this Policy.


Swim Dunedin Role of Parents

Please read the Policy titled 'Role of Parents' which is referred to in the Policy Agreement you are asked to sign confirming your understanding and agreement of this Policy.


DSCB Board Members Code of Conduct

This policy explains the Code of Conduct expected from members of the Board of the DSCB.


Swim Dunedin Coaches Code of Conduct

This policy explains the Code of Conduct expected from our coaches of the DSCB.


Swim Dunedin Website Consent Policy

This policy allows us to publish records, photographs and information about your swimmer on our website.
